Now showing items 1-2 of 2

    • European Public Mosaic (EPuM): Open Journal on Public Service: digital education 

      Schleicher, Andreas; Dimitrov, Georgi; Albalat Martínez, Ana; Cussó, Roser; Levi, Simona; Bayo, Cecilia; Carles, Míriam; Persson, Jen; Salán Ballesteros, Núria (2022-02)
      Building forward differently / Andreas Schleicher -- Digital education in the European framework: the role of the European Commission / Georgi Dimitrov -- The Digital Education Plan of Catalonia 2020–2023: ...
    • European Public Mosaic (EPuM): Open Journal on Public Service: from training to learning 

      Pointel, Jean-Baptiste; Pla Rius, Eulàlia; Fernàndez Lleonart, Tània; Vara Arribas, Gracia; Serrat, Núria; Ramírez Fernández, Susana; Dixon, Nancy (2018-11)
      The Training Model in the École nationale d’administration / Jean-Baptiste Pointel -- The senior management function: competency framework, assessment and development / Eulàlia Pla Rius, Tània Fernàndez ...