Future challenges and skills for (senior) managers in the European public sector
Bosse, Julia
Heichlinger, Alexander
Publication date
As public administrations operate in increasingly complex and volatile environments, challenges such as tight budgets, technological innovation, decreasing trust, demographic change, environmental concerns and globalisation, governance and public management become more and more demanding. There is (and must be!) a change from the bureaucratic, formal and hierarchical public institutions that are used to operating in relatively stable environments towards more agile organisations with flatter and more flexible hierarchies that are more resilient to current and future unpredictable environments. These changes are having a clear impact on public managers’ roles and skills, and related leadership.
Document Type
Subject (CDU)
00 - Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics
070 - Newspapers. The Press. Journalism
331 - Labour. Employment. Work. Labour economics. Organization of labour.
35 - Public administration. Government. Military affairs
65 - Communication and transport industries. Accountancy. Business management. Public relations
Administració pública
Canvi organitzatiu
Competències professionals
3 p.
Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya
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EAPC blog
Bosse, Julia i Heichlinger, Alexander. (15 de març de 2016). Future challenges and skills for (senior) managers in the European public sector. EAPC blog. https://hdl.handle.net/20.500.14227/1781
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