Deep change in societal and public organizations
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The need for change within public and societal organizations is not uncommon in a world full of political, economic, technological and cultural transformations. But how can public organizations effectively transform themselves in a global world and what can leaders and professionals do to effect deep changes successfully?.
Change as a playing game.
Change in societal and public organizations is not a goal in itself but is for the purpose of society and its citizens. This means that there is a continual dialogue with all parties involved about achieving deep change. The best chance for successful change comes from giving meaning and value to organizational life, and to what the organization wants to mean for citizens, clients and for society. Successful leadership in organizational change is connected with passion and a vision of the future and not with a formal position in the organization. Everyone can play a role in successful change. Change initiators bring people together with an inspirational vision and moving their organization to meet the future. In this article organizational change is no longer perceived as a planned or programmed effort but as a dynamic and continuous process. The metaphor for change as a playing game may help to convene this ongoing process. This metaphor is visualized and described below.
Document Type
Subject (CDU)
00 - Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics
070 - Newspapers. The Press. Journalism
316 - Sociology
35 - Public administration. Government. Military affairs
Canvi organitzatiu
Canvi social
Sector públic
2 p.
Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya
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EAPC blog
Boonstra, Jaap. (24 d'octubre de 2024). Deep change in societal and public organizations. EAPC blog.
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