From the past to the future
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The Public Administration School of Catalonia (EAPC) is one of the oldest of its kind in the continent of Europe. It was founded in 1912, which is significant because Catalonia was merely a province of Spain at the time. The School has therefore enjoyed a long and lasting history, except for the two times it was closed down by military dictatorships, between 1924 and 1931, and from 1939 to 1979.
Its creation was driven by Enric Prat de la Riba, who was the leader of the Catalan autonomist party, the Lliga Regionalista (Regional League). Despite the Catholic and conservative origins of this important figure and his party, founded at the start of the 20th century, both, in fact, acted as driving forces for the democratic renewal of a very centralist Spain dominated by local political bosses, caciques, with the distortion of democratic standards.
Enric Prat de la Riba forged modern Catalan nationalism, popularly known as catalanisme. The supporters of Catalan autonomy, asserting that Catalonia is a nation from a cultural and historical perspective, which brought them close to the theories of the German philosopher Johann Gottfried von Herder, and convinced that a nation only survives by force of will, which brought them close to the French theoretician Ernest Renan, pushed for the creation of the State structures that Catalonia lacked. Before entering politics, Prat de la Riba wrote that “abstract work in the depths of a solitary study is not possible among us. The special situation of our land, its tragic conflict with the State that governs it, turns all of us into politicians, priests and workers, businessmen and artists, farmers, industrialists, thinkers […] Therefore, those who, in a free Catalonia, in the scarcely-known peace of archives and libraries, would calmly embellish new ideals, the ideals of future generations, must, in the Catalonia of today, where all of us double as politicians, apply the ideas we develop immediately, and we develop those ideas while experiencing them, while fighting in feverish combat, always on the streets and public squares, like the men of the Hellenic democracies”.
Document Type
Subject (CDU)
00 - Prolegomena. Fundamentals of knowledge and culture. Propaedeutics
070 - Newspapers. The Press. Journalism
32 - Politics
35 - Public administration. Government. Military affairs
94 - General history
Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya
Relacions intergovernamentals
2 p.
Escola d'Administració Pública de Catalunya
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Colomines i Companys, Agustí. (18 de juliol de 2017). From the past to the future. EAPC blog.
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